September 22, 2008

Visit's End

Well I am getting ready to take my dad to the airport this morning. He has been staying with us since the end of June and it seems that time has gone by pretty fast this visit.

My dad has always been able to come and stay with us a couple times a year since my daughter was born and she always loves the special times with her Papa. He has helped me out in many a childcare pinch over the years, sometimes getting on a plane in a matter of days to be here.It is great to see the close bond he has with my daughter, they had a special "thing" between them from the moment they first laid eyes on each other. Love at first sight I guess. I know that she will remember the times with him forever, just like I remember spending time with my Grandad.

This is the first time that she is really grasping the fact that he is LEAVING though. It will probably be a rough day for all.

My dad will be 76 this year, is probably in better shape than I am, but you never know what life brings and I hope and pray that we will be blessed enough to have him here again soon.It is important for me to sit and write about how much I love my dad.

We are very similar and he aggravates me a lot...sometimes on purpose. It is hard to appreciate our time together sometimes and I feel guilty about it. I have been craving alone time all summer and I wonder how much I am really going to like it once he's gone.
Anyway, here's a big thanks to my dad for :

Always washing the dishes for me!
Helping me clean my house all summer.
Making the trips to the freezer to get more bread.
Playing with Mia when I am swamped with work.
Picking about 40 pounds of berries with/for me this summer.
Always helping me make jam.
Changing my flat tire in the middle of the highway 2 weeks ago.
Always forcing me to go to Costco for the hot dog meal and sharing his frozen yogurt with me.
Putting up with my moods.

Just being there.

I'll miss you dad...come back soon!