March 20, 2009

Making Strides

I am happy to report that I am in full scrap mode once again. I am finishing old projects, using up supplies and pictures that have been taunting me for months and dreaming about things I want to work on. It feels good.

The moral of this short story is that I have forced myself to set aside time to scrap. It is far too easy go about my normal routine and at the end of a long day flop on the couch for some mindless t.v. watching. Scrapping at home is tough. Even though I've finally created a space to work in it seems that there are constant interuptions and things that draw my attention away from the task at hand, like laundry...YUCK.

So this will be the third week in a row that I have a scrap night set up, away from the house, with friends to provide inspiration and entertainment. I can't wait!