I can not believe that we are over half way through January. The time has slipped away from me.
We had an unexpected death in the family on January 3rd. A suicide. So for the most part we are all just getting through these days the best we can.
It so strange to me how life shows you things. The darkest of days have messages of hope if you look hard enough. Sometimes no looking is even required. God just smacks you in the face with hope and the promise of better days. :)
I try to stay open to the opportunities put in my path and the last few days have been exceptional. I have met several people who are going through a similar tragedy in their families and speaking with them has allowed me to start dealing with my own feelings a bit.
I have still not packed up my Christmas things, maybe this week I will muster up the energy to tackle the ever growing number of boxes and bins.
I wanted to post a picture of Mia's snow angel taken on Christmas Day. It is so beautiful and she was so proud of it.
Keep hoping.